Complaint handling
A "complaint" is a statement of the customer's dissatisfaction with the Ventech Asset Management Company. It is important to note that a request for information, advice, clarification regarding service or performance is not a complaint.
Ventech has established and maintains an operational procedure for handling customer complaints. The procedure is available on request from the company's head office.
How to submit a complaint
Complaints can be sent free of charge:
- In writing: by registered post or e-mail to
- By telephone on +33 1 83 79 81 90. Your complaint will then be recorded in writing and forwarded to the persons authorised to deal with it. A copy will also be sent to you.
Claim processing time
Ventech undertakes to deal with any complaint sent to it within the following deadlines:
- a maximum of ten working days from the date on which the written complaint is sent, to acknowledge receipt, unless the response itself is sent to the customer within this period ;
- a maximum of two months, except in the case of duly justified special circumstances, between the date of sending the written complaint and the date of sending the response to the customer.
However, Ventech will endeavour to provide you with a response as soon as possible. Furthermore, if the complexity of the resolution leads to this deadline being exceeded, Ventech will inform you in advance.
How to get in touch with the Financial
Ombudsman Service
All customers may appeal to the Ombudsman of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers - AMF (French Financial Market Authority) if they are not satisfied with the response to their complaint. The AMF Ombudsman may also be called upon to deal with a dispute that falls within the AMF's jurisdiction when the dispute concerns a professional and his or her legal entity customer who is not acting for professional purposes as a saver or investor. The address of the AMF Ombudsman is:
Médiateur de l’AMF
Autorité des Marchés Financiers
17, place de la Bourse
75082 Paris cedex 02
For further information:
Link to the AMF Ombudsman Charter :
Link to the AMF mediation request :
If you decide to contact the AMF Ombudsman, which is free of charge, your choice is final.